Agba Programmer
Welcomes you.
I'm a Fullstack Web Developer and a Dfinity developer who is driven by the passion to be smartly different and unique professionally and aims at bringing ideas to life.

Evoke E-health
Using React & Django I was part of the team that built this Full Stack Application - from start to finish. The App is called Evoke E-health and it is an app that provides a platform for patients and doctors to interact and communicate in various forms.
- React
- Django

A.S.E.S.S Care
Using React & Django I was part of the team that built this Full Stack Application - from start to finish. The App is called A.S.E.S.S Care and it is an app that provides a platform for patients and doctors in Anambra State to interact and communicate in various forms.
- React
- Django

Pin Management
This is an app that was built for an health tech organization to generate pins for patients and make them unique.
- Django
- Python

This is an NFT Marketplace that was built for the ICP blockchain using the Motoko language for backend implementation and React for the frontend. It's a personal project inspired by the OpenSea NFT Marketplace.
- React
- Motoko

This is a Video Game discovery app that was built using React and TypeScript. It's a personal project inspired by the RAWG website.
- React
- TypeScript
I've worked with a range of technologies in the web development world. From Design to Front-end to Back-end
Experience with
Experience with
Node.js, Django and DatabasesBlockchain
Experience with
Motoko and the ICP
About Me
The period between when i started learning django and building a fullstack project with django
Started my journey
Self development with tutorials and courses
Still learning and Working on small projects
Became a fullstack developer
Started working and became an instructor
Personal Accomplishments
Open Source Projects
Github Repositories
Github Followers
Github Stars